What is the ECF?
The ECF is the evidence base which underpins the new entitlement for Early Career Teachers’ (ECTs) Professional Development.
The framework was created as part of the government’s teacher recruitment and retention strategy, providing a funded entitlement to a structured 2 year package of high-quality professional development.
The ECF sets out what all ECTs should learn about, and learn how to do, during the first 2 years of their careers.
From September 2021 the statutory induction checklist includes:
Induction period of 2 school years (6 terms)
Entitlement to a 2 year training and support programme based on the ECF
10% reduction in timetable received in the first year of induction and 5% reduction in second year. This time should be in addition to PPA and should be used to specifically enable ECTs to undertake activities in their induction programme
Each ECT will be supported by an assigned mentor. The role of the Mentor is key and is a separate role to that of Induction Tutor
2 Formal assessment points, one at mid-point (the end of term three) and end point (the end of term 6).
These are supported with by regular progress reviews to monitor progress. These reviews will take place in each term where a formal assessment is not scheduled.
Summit Learning Trust is an advocate for the DfEs vision for teacher training and development system in which:
The ITT Core Content Framework (CCF) and the Early Career Framework (ECF) establish an entitlement to a 3 or more year structured package of support;
Mentoring and support from expert colleagues forms a key element of this multi-year entitlement;
Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) will continue to be awarded at the end of Initial Teacher Training against the Teachers’ Standards; and
The ITT CCF and the ECF will draw on the best available evidence.
“There are no great schools without great teachers”
All teachers deserve high quality support throughout their careers, and in the first few years this is when the learning curve is steepest.
Early Career Teachers, like in other professions such as law and medicine, require high quality, structured support in order to begin the journey towards becoming an expert.
Core Content Framework – Creating A Seamless Transition From ITT To ECT
Quality teaching is crucial for student outcomes, especially for disadvantaged students and those with additional needs.
We prioritise training and support in behaviour management to ensure excellent teaching.
Subject and phase-specific training is emphasised, particularly for early reading and early mathematics, where knowledge of systematic synthetic phonics and effective math teaching strategies is essential.
Collaboration with our ITE Providers is imperative to establish the CCF as a minimum standard for all trainees placed in our academies. Together, we can provide the best training opportunities for future educators.
Early Career Framework
This is not an assessment document and NQTs are not expected to collect evidence against this framework. They need to be assessed against the Teachers Standards only.
From September 2021 the DfE have committed to:
Funding and guaranteeing 5% off-timetable in the second year of teaching for all early career teachers; early career teachers will continue to have a 10% timetable reduction in their first year of induction.
Creating high quality, freely available ECF curricula and training materials;
Establishing full, high quality ECF training programmes;
Funding time for mentors to support early career teachers; and
Fully funded mentor training.
Teacher Educators
The term Teacher Educator has been widely adopted for those who educate prospective teachers and those who educate practicing teachers. Those who initiate, guide and support teacher learning across their career. There is an abundance of research into this role, yet very little on how individuals focus their own professional learning to maximise their skill set to carry it out effectively.
We are advocates to ensure that all of our Teacher Educators have access to ongoing support and development.
Top 10 things every Teacher Educator should know and be able to do:
Have good subject knowledge
Understand cognitive science; the science of learning and cognitive load theory
Select evidence based practice to support understanding of good pedagogy
Adapt and understand techniques to suit novices and experts (direct instruction, modelling, deliberate practice, mentoring, coaching etc)
Pre-empt misconceptions and strategies to overcome them
Prioritise and sequence the aspect to focus development eg start with behaviour, planning and assessment for early career practitioners
Use a structured developmental cycle; assess, plan, do, review
Small steps; actionable improvement
Lead deliberate practice
Support individuals well-being
ECT – Year 1 Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT)
How will the ECF be delivered?
Summit Learning Trust will be utilising the Funded Provider-Led Programme offered by Teach First. Following an evaluation of the different provider programmes, against the 6 principles of the PLI, the decision was made, in consultation with the Education Directors, to enrol with Teach First. As the ECF is designed to provide a minimum entitlement to support, the content was similar across the board and based around the 5 key principles of behaviour, pedagogy, curriculum, professional behaviours and assessment. This programme is funded by the Department for Education. To support the ECTs on a clear trajectory of Professional Learning we wanted to select a provider who also offered a programme of NPQs. The availability of NPQs through Teach First supported the decision.
Teach First and Brightspace
Aims of the programme:
Weekly sessions Informed by best practice.Online study materials. Reflective practitioners. Considering what you are doing well and what you can do to improve.
Unravel the ‘magic’ through observation. Sustainable career. Reflect, gain and apply. Support workload and well-being.
Early Career Teachers induction
- 6 modules per year. 4.5 hours per half term of self-guided study. Timings, research,videos.
- How can you create an effective learning environment?
- How do pupils learn?
- What makes classroom practice effective?
- How can you use assessment and feedback to greatest effect?
- How can you support all pupils to succeed?
- How to design a coherent curriculum.
How will the ECT be assessed?
The ECF is not and should be used as an assessment tool. The ECF is a professional learning entitlement.
The end of an ECTs induction period will continue to be marked by a decision as to whether the teacher’s performance against the Teachers’ Standards is satisfactory.
Ark Teaching School Hub are the nominated Appropriate Body for Summit’s ECTs and will be responsible for the Quality Assurance and oversight of the 2 Formal Assessment points, in collaboration with the Director of the PLI and the Induction Tutors in each academy.
- The formal assessment will be carried out by the Principal or Induction.
- The mentor should not carry out the formal assessment unless acting as the Induction Tutor.
- The formal assessments should be carried out in Term 3 (end of the first year) and Term 6
(end of the second year). - The process should be based on clear and transparent evidence and copies provided to the
ECT and AB. - There is no need for any new evidence to be created.
- The assessment links to the Teachers’ Standards and not the ECF.
Training will be provided by Ark for Induction tutors and also by the PLI.
Professional Progress Reviews (formative assessment)
Each term, where a formal assessment is not scheduled a professional progress review will take place and a written record created. A template is provided on the Teams Page. The record should:
- Clearly state whether the ECT is on track for successfully completing induction against the Teacher Standards
- Summarise evidence collected
- Include agreed development targets
- Be shared with the Appropriate Body
The ECT will be observed at regular intervals throughout their induction period to facilitate a fair and effective assessment. Observations can be carried out by the principal, induction tutor or another suitable person from inside or outside the institution. Both verbal and written feedback should be provided.
NB: Teachers who have started, but not completed, induction by 1 September 2021, should continue to refer to the statutory induction guidance for NQT 2018. This is applicable to two ECTs at Summit and they will complete an Assessment Point at the end of the Autumn Term and take part in the RQT programme.
School specific pedagogy – School Led
- School practice: Attending school based training to secure the foundations of developing best practice. For example; pedagogical approaches, behaviour, SEND, safeguarding, assessment …
- Learning together: Facilitated learning walks to observe best practice, opportunities to collaborate with others and reflect on what effective learning looks like.
Subject knowledge – Utilising the National College Platform and Subject Associations
- Subject Association: as an ECT it is encouraged that you take advantage of the reduced cost of membership of a subject association where you will access a vast array of resources and opportunities.
- Subject Pedagogy: through the exploration of subject curriculum intent with bespoke subject sessions; individuals can secure their understanding of the process of curriculum design.
- Instructional coaching: focused bespoke development through regular Mentor review meetings. Opportunities for professional learning with a reduction in timetable to support capacity. Support and guidance on how to manage non-teaching time effectively.
ECT Year 2 – Recently Qualified Teacher (RQT 2021 2022)
RQT’s 2021/2022
In June 2021, the DfE announced that all state-funded schools that currently have an NQT due to complete induction in the summer of 2021 will have access to a one-off payment to provide further support to these teachers.
These schools will be able to access funding for the equivalent of an additional 5% off timetable for each eligible teacher in 2021/22. Unlike the reduction in timetabled teaching time under induction, there will be no statutory right to this reduction in time and schools will not be under an obligation to provide it.
The DfE will provide funding to schools in arrears in the summer term of 2022 for those schools that have made this support available to eligible teachers. Schools will be required to submit evidence that the appropriate amount of time off timetable has been provided.
The provision of this support will not extend the induction period for eligible teachers and there will be no requirement for participating schools to provide a mentor for these teachers.
The funding is intended to provide eligible teachers with additional time to undertake professional development activities following the disruption that they will have faced to their induction due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
While the way in which time off timetable can be used has been left to schools’ discretion, the DfE suggests that the materials produced as part of the new Early Career Framework could be included as part of a support package for eligible teachers. Schools have been given flexibility over the organisation of this support, although it must be equivalent to 5% time off timetable calculated over the year.
With this announcement in mind, Primary and Secondary Principals agreed to 6 RQT days across the academic year. Utilising Alex Quigley’s The Confident Teacher, our Year 2 ECTs will work both in cross phase and cross curricular teams on a half termly basis. The sessions will focus on developing pedagogical and subject/phase specific knowledge, which will support the ECTs in Thriving rather than just Surviving.
Initial Teacher Training (ITT)
Ethos and values:
At South Birmingham SCITT our aim is for all of our Associate Teachers to become advocates for what we believe to be the best profession – Teaching.
Together we will build confidence in:
• Delivering high quality teaching and learning
• Demonstrating ongoing professional learning
• Developing evidence-based practice
We underpin these with our core values:
- Strength through diversity; we celebrate the rich and diverse communities that make up our partnership. We share, listen to and respect each other’s views and beliefs. We support each other, honouring our different backgrounds, to create a safe and equal environment for all.
- Ambition through challenge; we are fiercely ambitious and continuously challenge in order to be the very best, every lesson, every day. We are always looking for ways to improve, and insist, relentlessly on the highest standards of teaching and learning. Everyone is continually challenged to improve on their previous best.
- Excellence through curiosity; curiosity is the engine of intellectual achievement. We encourage and provoke curiosity so that you are inspired to seek out new knowledge, learn new skills and achieve excellence. Curiosity is closely linked to empathy, helping us all develop better relationships. The life of a curious person is never boring!
South Birmingham SCITT Trainee Teachers:
Are creative, engaging and inspirational
Love the profession, the curriculum and demonstrate excellent and up-to-date subject specific knowledge
Have a deep understanding of the art and practice of teaching and learning
Are reflective, resilient and committed to achieving best practice through on-going professional learning
Are focused on the best outcomes for all pupils
Have the drive and emerging skills to become effective leaders in education
We will achieve this through:
Selecting individuals who demonstrate a passion for the profession from the outset
Current and expert practitioners delivering the curriculum experiences
Graduated time in the classroom to allow time to gain, apply and refine theory and practice
Quality subject- and age- phase specific learning opportunities using our carefully chosen partners to complement day to day practice in schools
Offering carefully planned complementary experiences in a number of settings including early years, primary, secondary, post-16, special and alternative provision
We have been a School Centred provider for Initial Teacher Training since 2003. We have a passion for teaching and we will support and guide each Associate Teacher to their full potential, enabling them to securely enter the teaching profession in just one year. Our collaboration with schools and our committed School Based Trainers provide our Trainee Teachers with outstanding first-hand experience from a range of outstanding practitioners. In school, Trainee Teachers experience exciting, innovative and challenging opportunities, giving them the best quality range of developing practice.
The initial training year is the first step towards a lifelong career in this fantastic profession. South Birmingham SCITT is dedicated to each Trainee Teacher to ensure that they secure their entry into the profession as an NQT and beyond.
Please click the link below to see how you can train to teach with Summit Learning Trust.