Taking Control Of Your Professional Learning
Taking ownership over your own Professional Learning is a key ingredient to success. At Summit Learning Trust we use BlueSky as our platform for Performance Management Reviews. BlueSky allows colleagues to collate evidence, and to evaluate the Professional Learning offer. Reflection, discussion and evaluation, help colleagues to identify their next steps on the Professional Learning journey.
Click here to visit Bluesky
The Professional Learning Request form is designed to support colleagues in taking ownership of their Professional Learning at Summit Learning Trust. In addition to the wide range of Professional Learning opportunities calendared across the year, this form allows individuals to request any additional Professional Learning.
National College
The National College is an online platform offering thousands of hours of Professional Learning asynchronously to colleagues. These resources allow for flexibility and cover a wide range of learning themes by role, phase and subject – all linked to education. Since Autumn 2023, the National College resources have been utilised as a one stop shop for our Safeguarding, and Mandatory Training. Look out on the Weekly Offer for recommendations from colleagues across Summit.
Click here to visit National College
Mandatory training refers to the required professional learning that all colleagues must complete to ensure that we all possess the essential skills and knowledge to create a safe, inclusive, and effective learning community. Mandatory training helps to align the requirements of law with Summit Learning Trust’s strategic aims. This Mandatory Training directory has been designed to identify the range of training needed to equip colleagues with the confidence and competencies to keep our learners, colleagues and themselves safe.